Helmets that will make the police laugh

       Helmets that will make the police laugh

The wise wisdom "to keep the helmet head safe" will soon replace that "helmet head adorns" if it is judged by the incredible and rather silly solution of a marketing company in Kazakhstan.Namely, marketing experts came up with the idea to outline bicycle helmets in unusual ways.
U paleti različitih rešenja našle su se kacige koje "imitiraju" kosu sa različitim muško - ženskim  frizurama, pa čak i ćelave, ali je anjveću salvu smeha svakako izazvala kaciga sa oslikanom zgodnom ženskog pozadinom, te sa nacranom ženskom bradavicom sa koje visi minđuša.
Those who are slightly more specific can buy a helmet with painted brains, shell walnut, watermelon, and various balls, and for those more sophisticated there are helmets with crystals.
- We wanted to make something different, a frame. We tried to think differently and we got this. The market is limited by boring styles and therefore has few users. In the last two years, there has been an increase in the number of fans in Kazakhstan, and that made us feel like we did this - they said from the Kazakhstan marketing agency.
Otherwise, it is true that since the images of helmets appeared on the Internet, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have appeared in the desire to buy it.
However, the helmets have not yet been tapped, but only conceptual solutions have been presented.


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